Kelman's 4th Birthday

3:16 PM Edit This 3 Comments »

Yesterday was Kelman's 4th Birthday and I think he had a great day. Unfortunately Brechin was throwing up all afternoon and evening but at least it wasn't Kelman. He got lots of presents and got to choose all three of his meals. For breakfast he wanted donuts. Then lunch he wanted to go to Sam's Club for hot dogs and ice cream (what a nut). And dinner he wanted meatloaf, pasta with cheese sauce, and corn. For dessert, he wanted chocolate pie (with apples on top), but needless to say, we left off the apples for the sake of taste. I think he was pretty pleased with how the day went and all the presents he got.


5:17 PM Edit This 5 Comments »

I thought I would be so much better at keeping this thing updated but I'm not!! I feel like I've hardly even had a chance to get on the computer for the past few weeks. So, the twins are now 2 years old. They getting so big!!! They all play with eachother so well...most of the time. Kelman has adopted some of Brechin and Carter's new presents as his own.
Halloween was also a success. We managed to not have a ton of candy left to eat because as the kids got home from trick or treating, I went through their candy and stuck most of it in our pass out (to trick or treaters) dish. Good way to go I think. The day before Halloween was actually much crazier. I had piano students late afternoon and as soon as I finished, we all got dressed up (in about 20 minutes) and headed to G&G Hawley's for trick or treating. Then after about 20 minutes we had to go to the church for trunk or treating. It was all fun and the kids had a great time. Aaron and I even dressed up as Jack and Jill. We had a costume party at our house the saturday before Halloween. It was a lot of fun; and thanks Micah and Sarah for the game ideas. Well, here is all of us dressed up. Mom and dad probably have some better pictures on their camera but here is what I've got. We even added a handerchief around Brechin's neck for the next night. The last picture is just a picture of some of our Halloween decorations. Those are giant hands that have stick inside for you to hold onto. Pretty fun. update

1:11 PM Edit This 3 Comments »
Everyone's been begging me to update this thing since it's been so long. Sorry, I've been slacking. And I've been waiting to get some pictures to put up here. Wanted to share with everyone something funny Kelman said last week. We went to Burger King for lunch; which was a complete zoo, and as we were all sitting around eating, Grandpa put one of the Burger King crowns on Carter's head. Kelman starting smiling and shouting out...."he's the king of the Jews!!!!" We were bustin' a gut. I dont't think he realized who the king of the Jews is but he definitely knew he'd head it before. Kids just say the darndest things.

We had a great time when Micah and Sarah, and Jared and his family came to visit. My boys miss their cuzzies already. I will post some pictures from Bishop's Pumpkin Farm and 6 flags as soon as I finish downloading them to my computer...later today hopefully. We had a great time and I even went on the big fast roller coasters with Aaron before the day ended.

Now I am working on the kid's costumes for Halloween. I've got to remember how to sew and then we should be set. Kelman is going to be Harry Potter (Anyone know where to get some cheap non prescription frames????), Carter an Indian, and Brechin a Cowboy. Wish me luck! If any of you know any cheap place good for Harry Potter items please let me know! Check back for pictures later.

Going on the potty!

9:05 AM Edit This 2 Comments »
The twins will be 2 at the end of October and to my amazement this morning, I found Carter trying to climb onto the potty, diaper and all. I asked him what he was doing and he said poo poo. And I said, "do you need to go potty?" and he responded with "Potty!" So I helped him up and sure enough, he went poo poo on the potty!!! I couldn't believe it. How blessed would I be if these boys got potty trained early like Kelman. I really lucked out with one (Kelman) getting completely potty trained at 2 1/2 but to have at least one of the twins if not both that early...that would be somethin'!!


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We went camping over the weekend and it was great. I have to say, by sunday afternoon, my kids had finally had enough of being dirty!!! And I admit, I had had enough of it as well. It's hard keeping track of three little guys in the wilderness. Surprisingly, the boys figured out they needed to stay close by so we didn't have to go looking too far for them. We had a ton of HUGE rocks in our campsite that the boys loved climbing and being the King of the Mountain. We also went down to the lake one day. On sunday we took a drove up to Lake Tahoe and boy was it busy up there. We found a quiet little spot to take a bike ride and picnic. There was a huge soccer field along the bike path that we played on as well. Brechin and Carter caught on to the whole sleeping bag thing rather quickly. Although, by morning Aaron or I had some little critter in our bag with us. All in all, we had a great time and we were very glad that there were showers close by.

Good deals

3:12 PM Edit This 3 Comments »

I've decided August is a good time to do Christmas shopping. It seems to be when all the stores clearance out a ton of items to get new ones in. The last couple of years I have found some of the best deals in August. Well, I went to Toys R Us on Tuesday and found a bunch of good deals. I found a $100 blow up slide that turns into a slip 'n' slide for only $8.00. Isn't that amazing?!! Of course we couldn't wait until Christmas to give that one away so naturally, I blew it up that night and the kids had a blast. I of course needed to show them how to do the slip 'n' slide part so I joined them, clothes and all! Good times! : )

Finally starting a blog

10:41 PM Edit This 2 Comments »
So, I never really cared about having a blog before but it seems that all of a sudden, everyone I know has one and we're the only ones who don't. Okay maybe not everyone but I figured it was perhaps time we began. Maybe it's not so bad to follow the crowd every now and then right? We'll see where it takes us I suppose. Couldn't hurt to better keep in touch with a few old and new friends. Keep tabs on what's going on with everyone.