Finally starting a blog

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So, I never really cared about having a blog before but it seems that all of a sudden, everyone I know has one and we're the only ones who don't. Okay maybe not everyone but I figured it was perhaps time we began. Maybe it's not so bad to follow the crowd every now and then right? We'll see where it takes us I suppose. Couldn't hurt to better keep in touch with a few old and new friends. Keep tabs on what's going on with everyone.


Kandis Smith said...

I'm soooo glad you started one! A great way to keep in touch and see everyone!! I'm glad you're doing good! We just moved back to Idaho this last weekend and we're house hunting now. I'm almost 4 months pregnant now so i'm totally freaking out about 2 kids!

Anonymous said...

YEA EMILY! This will be such a cool way to keep up with things. I'm using mine almost like a journal.